Movies? For kids? Have I got a list for you!!!

We've been on a movie kick lately - I'll pretend and say the reason I haven't posted here since mid-flippin-March is because we've been watching so many movies. But that would be lying. Anyway - my boys and I watched a bunch of movies in fall 2011 when I was in the bowels of first-trimesterness with little guy #3, but we kind of stopped movie nights since then. Not sure why, because there's nothing better than curling up together in a dark-ish bedroom and watching a movies with kids. If you happen to nod off in the middle, no worries - make it a movie you've seen before and you'll still have something to discuss with your kids when it's over.
We started off our latest round of movie watching with two 80s favorites, both of which I probably saw in the movie theater - BIG and Karate Kid. Then I asked my wise Facebook friends for other suggestions along the same lines and I got such a great list! I'm posting them here for me to refer to later and for anyone else who might stumble upon this blog, looking for a movie fix.
Unfortunately, most of these aren't available on Netflix streaming, but can either be rented for 24 hours via iTunes/Apple TV or through Amazon Prime. If all else fails, check out your local library website and rent them the old fashioned way, via DVD (who ever would think DVDs would be considered old fashioned?)
Without futher ado - fantastic movie list for kids ages 6ish - 10ish. Feel free to add other suggestions in the comments.
A League of Their Own
Adventures in Babysitting
Around the World in 80 Days
Back to the Future
Breaking Away
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (the original)
Cheaper by the Dozen
Cool Runnings
ET (my kids already saw and were unimpressed – I think it was too long for them)
Every Muppet Movie ever created
Field of Dreams
Goonies (many votes for this one)
Home Alone
How to Train Your Dragon
Mary Poppins
Mrs. Doubtfire (in contention with Triplets of Belleville for next to be watched)
Parental Guidance
Princess Bride
Short Circuit
Teen Wolf (might wait a couple years for this one – “Give me a keg of beer.”)
The Neverending Story
Triplets of Belleville (this was new to me, looks really good, might be next on our list)
Uncle Buck
We Bought a Zoo
PS - I realized after watching a bunch of these PG rated movies would probably get PG-13 ratings now. So keep headphones for the little ones at the ready and happy viewing!

Reader Comments (6)
Love this list! My 4 year old really likes Harriet the Spy. Not an 80s movie but based on a book I read in the 80s, so it sort of counts.
I approve of this addition! Thanks!
My little boy (now 17 years old!) liked many of the above and: The Sandlot (and NOT Sandlot 2), Duma, and Kiki's Delivery Service.
What a great list! I have two boys and think we've seen most of these together. We also like The Mighty Ducks, Ernest Goes to Camp, RV, and The Great Outdoors.
Thanks for the list additions, Jan and Barbara!
great list - have to try them. Our kids have recently watched the PARENT TRAP - the Lindsay Lohan version - and loved it. Watching it with them I admit it is pretty fun - esp all the pranks the girls pull. Another fave is SKY HIGH (with Kurt Russell, Kelly Preston, and even a cameo by Lynda Carter) about a high school for kids training to be superheros...