Lucky me! (alternate title: Vermouth, it's not just for martinis anymore)

I've been lucky enough to get an advance copy of Debbie Koenig's new cookbook, PARENTS NEED TO EAT TOO: Nap Friendly Recipes, One-Handed Meals, and Time-Saving Kitchen Tricks for New Parents, coming out next week from William Morrow.
I first "met" Debbie on Twitter, when we realized we both had a long history in working in book publishing, and we finally met in person this summer. I've always been a fan of her blog, Words to Eat By, and now I love her book, which is aimed at new parents (or soon-to-be again new parents like me), but really is for anyone who has tried to make meal with kids underfoot, just as much.
I'll be blogging soon about one of her many excellent and easy recipes in the next couple of days (I'm torn between Cheater's Chana Masala and Broccoli Cheddar Pinwheels - might have to make both!), but in the meantime, I've already flagged a lot of her tips for a well-rounded pantry, including my favorite discovery: dry vermouth!
Since I've been pregnant, I've kept mine wine consumption to a minimum but sometimes a recipe calls for a spash or two of white wine - what's the point in opening a whole bottle that eventually will go bad in the fridge? Dry vermouth is shelf stable - open it, use as necessary, and store in the cabinet - it will always stay as good as new.
More tips and receipes from Debbie's new book to come soon!
THIS JUST IN: Pre-order the book by Feb. 21 (that's next Tuesday, so hurry!) and get an excellent and awesome Digital Starter Kit - with bonus recipes, a baby food making how-to, a countdown to baby food guide to the third trimester (right up my alley) and lots of other handy stuff. Visit Debbie's website for more details. Go now, what are you waiting for?
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