Entries in royal icing (4)


Rachel's Guitar Cupcakes

Rachel's guitar cupcakes

Rachel is a singer in a rock 'n roll band (and a great person, to boot) and just celebrated a big birthday. We celebrated with guitar cupcakes. I used gumpaste for everything, except the frets, which were a last minute addition from royal icing.

Rachel's guitar cupcakes
He takes the best photos, doesn't he?

Rachel's guitar cupcakes

Rachel's guitar cupcakes


Soccer Girl's Favorite Things Cake

Do you know what a moving up celebration is? I didn't, but maybe that's because my kids are still too young to leave elementary school and "move up" to middle school, but now I know! "Soccer Girl" loves the color green, and also loves monkeys, music, camping and, you guessed it by her nickname, soccer. This cake fit the bill. The cake was vanilla bean with green vanilla buttercream frosting and all the decorations are made from gumpaste and royal icing.

Soccer Girl's favorite things cake

Soccer Girl's favorite things cake

Her mom (and my online marketing idol) Ellen, wrote about the cake today on her blog, Confessions of an IT Girl. It's a great read, even when she isn't praising my cakes!


Jaden's Basketball Cake

Vanilla bean cake with vanilla buttercream. Basketballs are made from gumpaste and royal icing. The basketball lollipops are my favorite. As usual, the photos are so great because Doug took them.

Jaden's Basketball Cake

Jaden's Basketball Cake

Jaden's Basketball Cake

close up of gumpaste basketball


Valentine's Cookies

Valentine's Cookies
Originally uploaded by the schneider clan
I knew I forgot something! I've been working at a local bakery/sandwich shop very part-part-part time (like 5 hours a month), and last time I was there I was on cookie duty. I loved the way these turned out!
Valentine's Cookies
Valentine's Cookies
Valentine's Cookies
PS - I forgot to bring my camera the day I made the cookies, so Doug went back the next day to take these. Thanks, Dougie!