Entries in light sabers (1)


Caleb's Darth Vader cupcakes

I'll admit right now that I'm not a big Star Wars fan, and either are my kids, so I was a little lost when a friend asked me to make cupcakes for her son Caleb's Star Wars birthday party.

Again, Flickr saved the day - a search for Darth Vader cupcakes brought up these, from the oh-so talented Kati Peck. She just started a blog, Tasty... Good... Delicious..., check it out - her work is amazing!

This was my attempt the recreate her design. Thanks, Kati!

Heads were made with a bell-shaped cutter

Light sabers in the making

I always make one bigger cupcake for the birthday kid (I'm sure there's a "Luke, I am your Faaaaather" joke here somewhere)

Big cupcake boxed and ready to go