Kitchen Update, pt. 3

The countertops are coming tomorrow, the countertops are coming tomorrow! I thought it was going to take at least a week, but Jay came to template on Monday and will be back tomorrow to put them in.
Ron, one half of The Kitchen Couple, and his crew finished up the cabinet install on Tuesday and I love the way they turned out. Because we're in an old house none of our walls are square and they had to make lots of tweaks to fit things in and you can't tell - they look perfect. Ron spent most of the day constructing a corner cabinet - it's not something Ikea stocked, but he was able to take a basic cabinet and modify it so it fits perfectly. I think we have at least double the cabinet space now!
Note about these photos - my son took them, so they're a little off center, but I like his low to the ground perspective.
Another customized cabinet - fits perfectly and will be great for tea and spices