
For the "and then some" part of this blog:
I've been going to Brimfield, Mass at least once a year with Carol, my fantastic mother-in-law, for the last six or seven years. Three times a year Brimfield holds one of the largest open air flea/antiques markets in the country.
We went last Friday and it was a great day. We don't really go with anything particular in mind, but always end up with some interesting treasures at the end of the day. The things at Brimfield run the gamut from $10,000 credenzas to tents filled with stuff you couldn't pay me to take away!
My favorite tents are the ones where I can't afford anything - there are at least two or three places with the most fantastic collections of glassware from the 40s and 50s, stuff I'm obsessed with but have no more room for and to be honest, how many sets of primary colored Pyrex bowls can one girl have or use? I just like to look at everything all together.
There's always a lot of haggling there, but this year the buys seemed better than most. I left with an old glass creamer and sugar set, more vintage dish towels (trying to break my addiction to paper towels), an enamelware mixing bowl, another old apron (when/if I start a bakery, I'll have the best-dressed staff in town), and a cool piece of backyard folk art - a painted flower made out of horseshoes (should have taken a photo, because it's much cooler than it sounds!).
Posting some other photos to get a feel of the place. Get there if you can, and keep your fingers crossed for nice weather!