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Lots of baking!!

I've been doing lots of baking in the last couple weeks and haven't been doing the best job of cataloging all of it! Here's a quick run down:

Emma and Clara's 2nd birthday cake
Both girls are big fans of Sesame Street (can you tell?)

Clara and Emma's Sesame Street cake
(pre countertop clean up)

Clara and Emma's Sesame Street cake

Clara and Emma's Sesame Street cake

and a movie!

Red velvet cupcakes for my friend Shannon's bridal shower. Gumpaste flowers, cream cheese frosting.


Artsy flowers, thanks to Doug.

my favorite of the bunch

Trigg's elephant cupcakes
Elephant cupcakes for Trigg
Obviously, Doug wasn't around to take these photos - had to do it myself.

Jeana's Sweet 16 cake
Huge, heavy cake for a big birthday bash! Jeana's all about chocolate and peanut butter, so this cake was 6 layers of chocolate cake with peanut butter buttercream filling. I love these new funky letter molds (once I figured out how to use them, of course)




Much more to come!

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