Lots of baking!!

I've been doing lots of baking in the last couple weeks and haven't been doing the best job of cataloging all of it! Here's a quick run down:
Emma and Clara's 2nd birthday cake
Both girls are big fans of Sesame Street (can you tell?)
and a movie!
Red velvet cupcakes for my friend Shannon's bridal shower. Gumpaste flowers, cream cheese frosting.
Artsy flowers, thanks to Doug.
Trigg's elephant cupcakes
Obviously, Doug wasn't around to take these photos - had to do it myself.
Jeana's Sweet 16 cake
Huge, heavy cake for a big birthday bash! Jeana's all about chocolate and peanut butter, so this cake was 6 layers of chocolate cake with peanut butter buttercream filling. I love these new funky letter molds (once I figured out how to use them, of course)
Much more to come!

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