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Claudia's cake

Cake for Claudia's confirmation. Vanilla cake with apricot filling and vanilla frosting. Wanted blue and green decorations so I went with gumpaste dots because I love dots! You can't really tell in the photos, but there are three different colors of green and three different colors of blue. I love the way this turned out - and am very happy that my writing is looking more confident. Two things: congratulations is a MUCH longer word than I thought, and Claudia isn't spelled Claduia (which is how I originally wrote it on the cake - but can't can't tell, can you???).
Claudia's cake
Claudia's cake

Reader Comments (1)

I can't see anything at all! Shh, just pretend it didn't happen, I certainly won't tell.

July 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristina Whiskhands

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